APPI 1 Beginner’s Course

After the Introduction Course, Step 2 is to commit to the Beginner’s Course!

The APPI 1 Beginner’s course is your first course towards solo flying. The majority of the course will focus on ground handling skills and flight procedures with the aim of completing your first solo flight!


  • The aim of the APPI 1 - Discover Course is for students to develop control of their gliders on the ground and to complete their first solo flight under radio guidance from an instructor


  • The APPI 1 Discover Course is a 7-day course. The 7 days are not continuous (i.e. a student may book 1 lesson per week, depending on the instructor’s availability)

  • By the end of the course, students should have a good grasp for:

    • Pre-Flight preparations: Completing a site analysis and Preparing equipment for flight

    • Inflating & Controlling the glider during the takeoff process

    • Understand the roadmap towards becoming a paragliding pilot

  • Towards the end of the course Instructors will approve students for their first solo flight provided that the student has reached the required skills standard and that the student is ready to do so safely. If the standard is not reached within the period of the course, students may hire extra days of training if needed at a rate of 1500 HKD / Lesson (Ground handling lessons are usually 3-4 Hours in length)

  • Students who are approved by their instructors may also decline to go on their first solo flight should they feel not ready to do so, and elect to hire additional training days until they feel ready for their first flight.

  • Upon completing the first solo flight, students will be certified with an APPI 1 rating.

  • APPI 1 is a student pilot rating, students are only able to fly under the direct supervision of an instructor.

  • Small-group class for maximum safety.

Important Notes:

  • Safety: Safety is our top priority. Students will NOT be sent to fly solo (and therefore not complete the APPI 1 certification) unless they have reached the required standard (maintain good control of the glider, demonstrate the ability to conduct safety checks etc.). To be clear - this course does NOT guarantee you will fly solo in 7 days. In order to successfully complete the course, students should be motivated and committed to the training.

  • Equipment: Students will have the option of purchasing their own equipment or renting the equipment from the school for the duration of the course at a rate of 250 HKD per day or 1500 HKD for the course of 7 days. Equipment rental is available only if you are between 55-92 kg weight and/or 160 - 185 cm height. Students must provide their own equipment before any flying training on the APPI 2 Explorer Course.

  • Season: Beginner’s courses are run during the fall and spring (from approximately October to April); the summer seasons are not normally suitable for beginner’s training.


  • Join the Hong Kong Paragliding Association, as a member of HKPA you will receive the required third-party liability insurance in order to start your flying lessons.

  • Reasonable fitness

Cost: HKD 12,500

  • 1 year validity

APPI 1 Discover Rating

The APPI 1 Discover rating is a student learning licence, students are only permitted to fly under the radio supervision of an instructor.


Can I skip the Introduction Course?

It is important to complete your introduction to paragliding flight with the school and instructor that will be conducting the rest of your paragliding training. It is an opportunity for you to get to know your instructor before starting training. Although our training is standardized (all students must learn the same set of skills), each instructor may have his/her own style of delivery and therefore it is important that you find an instructor that best suits your learning needs.

Additionally, the Introduction Course is also an opportunity for the instructor to identify your individual training needs and behaviors so that they may work with you best. For this reason, completion of the Introduction Course is required before the Beginner's Course.

Should I take 7 days of annual leave from work to complete this course? Can I complete the training all in one block?

Training for beginners is limited to wind speeds between 5-18km/h, because it is generally very difficult to have suitable weather for 7 consecutive days in Hong Kong, we do not recommend attempting to complete the course in one block. Committing to this course only when you are able to be flexible with your schedule will maximize the number of training days in suitable weather.

I am only available one day per week, can I expect to finish the course within 7 weeks?

As a beginner, it is important that each lesson is close enough together so that the skills acquired in the previous lesson are still fresh. When too much time elapses between lessons, our mind and body often forgets the skills we don't use. For this reason, doing only one lesson a week (assuming the weather always cooperates) results in little progress made and makes it difficult for a student to reach the required standard by lesson 7.

How are lessons arranged?

Lessons are arranged directly between you and your instructor. For students with very flexible schedules, if your instructor notices a day with suitable weather he/she may contact you to attend your next lesson. Your instructor will know and explain exactly where you are in the learning progression and what type of weather is needed for your next lesson.

Alternatively, for students that are less flexible with their schedules, they may book a lesson with their instructor in advance for a particular day. As that day approaches, your instructor will keep an eye on the weather forecast to determine if it is suitable. During later stages of your training (APPI 2/3), your instructor may delegate the task of weather analysis to you as a learning exercise.

What is the average size of the class?

For beginner students, more attention is required at this stage to ensure you practice safely and efficiently. Generally, you can expect to be working with an instructor 1 on 1 at the initial of the course. As your skills progress and less attention is needed, you may be scheduled for lessons with other students if the lessons do not conflict with one another.

Why is the Beginner's Course 7 days? It is only 3-5 days in other schools overseas.

The unique landscape of Hong Kong and the launch sites where we fly from are small, rugged and generally difficult for beginners to take off from. For safety reasons, students are required to have a high level of control of their gliders before flying in Hong Kong.

How can I prepare myself to have a safe, fun and successful course?

During the course you must remember that you are learning to fly an aircraft with fabric wings and soars in the sky without an engine. Have a healthy respect for the activity that you are about to do. There are safety and potentially serious consequences if you do not take your training seriously. You will inevitably encounter many frustrations along the way. Rest assured, your instructors are there to help, and keep in mind that if you are motivated and committed then your instructors will want nothing more than to see you succeed. Thus it is important to:

  • Listen to the input of your instrutor especially safety briefings
  • Do not to rush your progression, take the time to learn things properly one step at a time before moving to the next. Take a break when you need to and under no circumstances force yourself to fly when you are tired!
  • Come physically and mentally ready for your lesson - Bring enough sun protection and water, be well rested the night before
  • Do arm chair practice: review the skills learnt in the last lesson, sit at home on the sofa with your eyes closed and play through the last lesson in your mind.
  • Be Proactive: ask questions, there are no silly questions!
  • Relax! Learning to fly takes time. Give yourself time to adapt to this sport