
費用: 2500 HKD
About the Flight
How can I prepare for my flight?
Be ready for a 20-30 min hike. Bring enough sun protection and water for a 2-3 hour hike. A light wind breaker is recommended during winter as temperatures drop once we are flying. During the flight, there is limited capacity for storage so only bring the essentials you need in a small bag.
Most importantly, be aware that the weather conditions may change and that some waiting maybe required. The final decision to fly or not is made only AT THE TAKE OFF SITE. If the weather is not suitable, be ready to hike back down to try again another day.
How long will the flight be?
The duration of the flight entirely depends on the wind conditions of the day. Other factors such as weight/condition of passenger also affect the duration of the flight. In general, when wind conditions are light, passengers whom are above 80 KG can expect somewhat shorter flights due to the increased sink rate.
Where is the flying site?
The location for the flight will be at one of the approved paragliding sites outlined by the HK Civil Aviation Department, and will be choosen entirely by the instructor depending on the weather assessment of the day.
Can I choose where to fly?
No. For safety reasons, the decision on where to fly is made solely by the instructor.
What time will we start and end?
In order to capture the most ideal times to fly. Your instructor will assess the weather conditions and contact you directly to let you know the time and place to meet. The final decision to fly or not is only made at the flying site and completely dependant on the weather.
May I film during my flight? Is video footage included?
Yes, we provide an action camera to record your awesome adventure!