完成 APPI 2 課程並通過 APPI 2 資歷評級
最少 18 歲
完成至少 30 次指導飛行,以及通過筆試 80%合格,將授予 APPI 3 飛行員資歷等級
APPI 3 students are students that have reached all the objectives of APPI 2; they are able to prepare, takeoff and land autonomously without direct instructor input, but still require instructor supervision.
During this phase the student is mainly building experience under the supervision of an instructor to become independent pilots at their home site; training is centered on mentality, decision making and practical application of theoretical subjects such as meteorology, aerodynamics, piloting techniques, and air law.
APPI 3 solo certification is dependent upon reaching all the objectives outlined in the APPI system; additionally there should be no doubt in the instructor’s opinion that the student should be able to operate safely and within limitations after sign off.
費用:HKD 9800 (一年有效期)
Students pay a flat fee of 9800 HKD (1 year validity) and are free to participate whenever there is an instructor on-site providing supervision.

APPI 3 飛行員資歷
APPI 3 資歷是您成為獨立飛行員的第一個等級,此資歷在香港和任何認可 APPI 的國家/地區均有效。 APPI 3 資歷的持有人還可以直接將其資歷轉換為 HKPA 3,並獲得國際航空聯盟的 IPPI card International Pilot Proficiency Information。 APPI 和 HKPA 資歷相當於駕駛執照,而 IPPI 卡類似於國際飛行駕駛執照,您需要此駕駛執照才能出國飛行。